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Rusty's Bleeding Edge Page
Fri, 13 Mar 2009
So, C has a preprocessor, and it can be used for evil:
particularly function-style macros (#define func(arg)) are generally
considered suspect. Old-timers used to insist all macros were
SHOUTED, but it can make innocent (but macro-heavy) code damn ugly.
Remember, it's only a problem when it's Easy to Misuse, and if you've written something
that's easy to misuse, maybe a rethink is better than an ALL CAPS warning.
There is one genuine and unescapable use for macros:
- Macros which deal with types, or take any type
- The classic here is
#define new(type) ((type *)malloc(sizeof(type))) But consider also the Linux kernel's min() implementation:
#define min(x,y) ({ \
typeof(x) _x = (x); \
typeof(y) _y = (y); \
(void) (&_x == &_y); \
_x < _y ? _x : _y; })
which uses two GCC extensions to produce a warning if x and y are not
exactly the same type.
And there are several justifiable but more arguable cases:
- Const-correct wrappers
- If you need to wrap a struct member access, it's annoying to do
it as an inline function. To be general a function needs to
take a const pointer argument, then cast away the const (see
strchr). Const exists for a reason, and stealing it from your callers
is a bad idea. A macro
#define tsk_foo(tsk) ((tsk)->foo) maintains const correctness, at
the slight cost of type safety (you could hand anything with a
foo member there, though it's unlikely to cause problems and
can be fixed with a more complex macro.
- Debugging macros
- Generally just add __FILE__ and __LINE__ to a function call. The
non-debug versions are generally real functions.
- Genuinely fancy tricks
- There's no good way around a macro for things like ARRAY_SIZE and BUILD_BUG_ON (these taken from CCAN):
#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0]) + _array_size_chk(arr))
#define BUILD_ASSERT(cond) do { (void) sizeof(char [1 - 2*!(cond)]); } while(0)
More questionable still:
- Macros which declare things
- This is for things which need initialization, eg. LIST_HEAD
in the kernel (or ccan/list) expects an "empty" list to be pointing
to itself. While this is convenient, nothing else in C
self-initializes so it's arguably better to provide an
"EMPTY_LIST(name)" macro. You get a nice crash if you forget
(except on stack vars).
- Macros which iterate
- list_for_each() (ccan/list.h version of the kernel's list_for_each_entry):
#define list_for_each(h, i, member) \
for (i = container_of_var(debug_list(h)->, i, member); \
&i->member != &(h)->n; \
i = container_of_var(i->, i, member))
It's less explicit, but much shorter than having three macros and using
them to loop:
for (i = list_start(&list, member); i != list_end(&list, member); i = list_next(&list, member, i))
If we sacrifice a little efficiency for convenience, we can make list_start()
and list_next() evaluate to NULL at the end of the list, and I prefer it over
the list_for_each() macro:
for (i = list_start(&list, member); i; i = list_next(&list, member, i))
Of course, it wouldn't be a complete post on macros without mentioning
things you should never do:
- Modify your arguments.
- C coders don't expect magic changes to parameters. From kernel.h:
#define swap(a, b) \
do { typeof(a) __tmp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = __tmp; } while (0)
- Embed control statements to places outside the macro.
- Putting 'return' in macros is only ok if the macro is called, say,
COMPLAIN_AND_RETURN. And then it's probably still a bad idea.
- The classics: use too few brackets, or allow multi-evaluation.
- The former is unforgivable; it cost be 1/2 a day of my life once
when I was younger and using another coder's RAD2DEG() macro.
The latter can be avoided with gcc extensions (see min() above), or
sometimes using sizeof().
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