OzLabs Users Info - DNSSEC signing of zones

This is a summary of DNSSEC Guide Chapter 4, with appropriate changes for our setup.



	cd ${ETC}

BIND needs runtime access to the KSK and ZSK but they should not be accessible by anyone else so squirrel them away in a protected directory:

	mkdir -m 0750 keys
	chgrp bind keys

BIND needs to write the signed version of the zone and a journal file into the same directory as the text zone file. So make a subdirectory to limit where things can be written:

	mkdir -m 0775 signed
	chgrp bind signed
	cd signed
	ln -s ../${ZONEFILE} .

For those using etckeeper, keep the signed zone file, but not the journal or temporary files:

	echo '*.jbk' >.gitignore
	echo '*.jnl' >>.gitignore

Edit named.conf (or named.conf.local) and change the file for the zone to reference the symlink created above i.e. change

	file "${ETC}/${ZONEFILE}";


	file "${ETC}/signed/${ZONEFILE}";

At this point nothing should have changed. You may want to run "/usr/sbin/rndc reconfig" and check for any errors in /var/log/daemon.log.

Create keys

	cd ${ETC}/keys
	mkdir -m 750 ${ZONE}
	chgrp bind ${ZONE}
	cd ${ZONE}
	/usr/bin/dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 ${ZONE}
	/usr/bin/dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -f KSK ${ZONE}
	chgrp bind *.private
	chmod 640 *.private
	# the *.key files should be 0644 already

Sign the zone

Edit the named.conf (or named.conf.local) file and in the zone section, add:

	key-directory "${ETC}/keys/${ZONE}";
	inline-signing yes;
	auto-dnssec maintain;

Then let BIND know using

	/usr/sbin/rndc reconfig

and check /var/log/daemon.log for errors :-)

This will also produce a few new files in ${ETC}/signed ...

At this point, you have a signed zone, bu noone will use it since your parent zone does not reference it.


Fetch your 2 DNSKEY records (your KSK and ZSK):

	dig @localhost ${ZONE} dnskey +multiline

this should add 2 RRSIG records:

	dig @localhost ${ZONE} dnskey +dnssec +multiline

Fetch your SOA record and its RRSIG record (there may be other records as well):

	dig @localhost ${ZONE} soa +dnssec +multiline

Fetching a non-existant name should get an NXDOMAIN status, no answer, but the AUTHORITY section will contain the SOA record and an NSEC record:

	dig @localhost does-not-exist.${ZONE} a +dnssec +multiline

Dealing with your parent zone

	cd ${ETC}/keys/${ZONE}
	KSK=$(grep -l key-signing K*.key)
	/usr/bin/dnssec-dsfromkey ${KSK}

This will print a DS record like:

${ZONE}. IN DS key-id algorithm digest-type digest

with digest-type being 2 (for SHA-256).

Your registrar will most likely have a place to upload these values for your zone and will forward them to the parent zone to be inserted as DS records. It is at this point that bad things may happen if something has gone wrong before now. See testing above. :-)