<div>now i have a question:</div> <div>i know ppc is big_endian and pci bus is little_endian.i made a graphics pci card use big_endian.</div> <div>when i use graphics card to show QT 's picture through VGA ,the color is not what i wanted, it's inversed ,others are in right position.</div> <div>here below is what i want :</div> <div>#################################################</div> <div>0..................7 8............15 16..............24 25.................31 </div> <div> B G R TRANS</div> <div>now it is this:</div>
<div>#################################################</div> <div>0..................7 8............15 16..............24 25.................31 </div> <div> TRANS R G B</div> <div>#################################################</div> <div> </div> <div>through mmap, the ppc display the screen color through direct pci bus control ,how can i change it?? </div> <div>change kernel?? (i don't know where to change)</div> <div>or change others?? </div><p> 
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