Does anybody have a hint towards my problem.? on using Ramdisk 1. I get original and computed both CRC and legth o.k 2. Ramdisk uncompression goes fine.. 3.filesysten ext2_fs mount also goes fine. but when I try to exec any programme say "/bin/sh" in do_execve() it calls load_elf_binary , there it checks for, if(elf_ex.e_type != ET_EXEC && elf_ex.e_type != ET_DYN) goto out; in my case e_type always comes 0x200 that is not expected anway and it fails there. also earlier when i try to open "/dev/ttS0" it reports error 2 that is "no such file found" since i amn't subscribed to list pls. cc to me. Thanks... Atul __________________________________________________________ ** Sent via the linuxppc-embedded mail list. See