BDI2000 not processing init list

Lei Sun leisun124 at
Mon Nov 20 08:21:19 EST 2006

Hi all:
   I got BDI2000 today, tring to use to to debug my MMU problem. But
after I hooked it up and issue "reset", the following messages are
printed out:

- BDI asserts HRESET
- Reset JTAG controller passed
- Bypass check: 0x00000001 => 0x00000001
- JTAG exists check passed
- COP status is 0x01
- Check running state passed
- BDI scans COP freeze command
- BDI removes HRESET
- Target PVR is 0x80822013
- Target SVR is 0x00000000
- COP status is 0x05
- Check stopped state passed
- Check LSRL length passed
- BDI sets breakpoint at 0xFFF00100
- BDI resumes program execution
- Waiting for target stop passed

It didn't process the init list, the IMMR still shows the default
value, instead of the one specified in init list.  The weird thing is
, if it didn't process init list, it should keep resetting because of
the watch dog timmer, I didn't see that happen as well.

My target is mpc8270, the BDI firmware version is 1.24 logic 1.05

Any one had the similar experience ?


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