Has anyone 2.6 kernel with Xenomai and MPC5200 Lite running?

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Tue Nov 7 20:00:13 EST 2006

Hello Wolfgang,

* Wolfgang Grandegger <wg at grandegger.com> [06-11-06 12:21]:
> unpack it and apply the relevant patches from the kernel-patches-target
> diretory to linux-2.6-denx#v2.6.18. I think the following patches should
> be sufficient (in that order):
>    fec_mpc52xx_bestcomm.diff
>    fec_mpc52xx.diff
>    drivers_serial_mpc52xx_uart_fix.diff
>    mpc5200_physmap.diff

ok, my boards boots fine after that.

> You can find the most recent Xenomai patch 2.6.18-ppc-1.05.00 at
> "ftp://ftp.denx.de/xenomai". I'm going to test them later today with 
> Xenomai.

I applied now everything and Xenomai builds fine.
I configured now my kernel, build it but the board do not boot or at
least the console has gone.

Which bootargs you use in u-boot to boot the Xenomai kernel?
My bootargs are:
bootargs=root=/dev/nfs rw

You can find what I did on:

Thx for tips.

Best regards,


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