PPC Linux painic problem!

Pantelis Antoniou panto at intracom.gr
Mon Apr 26 18:25:13 EST 2004

Marius Groeger wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, jeffy wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>	I hit on a problem about PPC Linux version 2.4.4 on a MPC855T board.
>>    The kernel can start up ok normally, but when another PC
>>continous sending UDP packets to it(about 8Mbps) when kernel is
>>starting up, the kernel failed start up and printf the following
>This is just a VERY wild guess: check the driver source
>(arch/ppc/8xx_io/fec.c in your case) and make sure the driver only forwards
>received packets to the IP stack when the interface is configured "UP".
>There once was a similar problem with the 826x driver.
>Another reason could be that the FEC channel is not properly shut down by
>the firmware/bootloader before entering the kernel.
>Next time try to add more information about your system, especially about
>the kernel and bootloader version you are using.
>Marius Groeger <mgroeger at sysgo.com>           Project Manager
>SYSGO AG                      Embedded and Real-Time Software
>Voice: +49 6136 9948 0                  FAX: +49 6136 9948 10
>www.sysgo.com | www.elinos.com | www.osek.de | www.imerva.com
If you use u-boot make sure you update to the latest version.

There was a bug with the fec not properly halting and then
crashing the kernel when network traffic was present very early.



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