RPM: how do i un-pack an rpm without installing ...

Claus Gindhart Claus.Gindhart at kontron.com
Tue Jan 14 18:32:18 EST 2003

Or just use the attached script
(it is also based on rpm2cpio)

Mit freundlichen Gru?en / Best regards

Claus Gindhart
Software Design Engineer

PEP Modular Computers GmbH     phone:    +49-8341-803-374
R&D Software                   fax:      +49-8341-803-40-374
Sudetenstrasse 7               email:    claus.gindhart at kontron.com
D-87600 Kaufbeuren             web page: http://www.pep.de

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hatle [mailto:fray at mvista.com]
Sent: Dienstag, 14. Januar 2003 02:19
To: James Don
Cc: linuxppc-embedded at lists.linuxppc.org
Subject: Re: RPM: how do i un-pack an rpm without installing ...

James Don wrote:
> Sorry,
> Not really a topic for this group but ...
> how do i un-pack an rpm without installing it?

Use "rpm2cpio" to produce a cpio archive, and then use cpio to extract it.

"rpm2cpio <rpm> | cpio -id" works for me.


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