SUCCESS booting off cramfs initrd

Steven Hein ssh at
Thu May 10 05:46:00 EST 2001

Last week I asked for help in my cramfs adventure, so now that
I've had some success, I thought I'd share how I got it

My original goal was to boot from a cramfs filesystem residing
in flash.  As people explained to me, that would have required
me to have a small ext2 initrd filesystem to boot from
and them mount my cramfs filesystem as the root filesystem
(through the /dev/mtd device, accessed through the MTD drivers).
I went down this road, but found that the current MTD CFI flash
drivers didn't support big-endian configurations at all.
(Actually, I created a MTD map driver for my board that treated the
 flash space as ROM and I was able to access it).  But, I didn;t
really want to created two separate filesystems (the ext2 initrd,
and the cramfs root filesystem), so I didn't continue this approach.

It later occurred to me that, due to the way I update my image in
flash, the filesystem needed to live in RAM.  I still wanted to
use cramfs to save RAM (my ext2 filesystem was 4.5MB, too expensive
for a 16MB board).  But, this brought me back to trying to use
a cramfs initrd as my root filesystem.

So, here's what I did to accomplish this:
- started with linux-2.4.4 kernel plus linuxppc_2_4 diffs patch
- incorporated the cramfs patch from Transmeta's Midori Linux
  1.0.0-beta1 release  (they use a different packaging mechanism,
  so you'll need to get the whole Midori release and unpack/build
  it to get access to the patch).  I'm not sure if this step was
  necessary or not......but the patch makes significant improvements
  to the cramfs filesystem, so I wanted it  (someone else may be able
  to answer this better).
- modified drivers/block/rd.c to make several changes:
    1) detect the cramfs superblock (at offset 0 or offset 512
       in the first block of the filesystem)
    2) when a cramfs filesystem is detected, force the block
       size of the ramdisks to 4KB, which is cramfs's block size.
       (this step tripped me up for several days, as I didn't
        and still don't know much about block devices....but I did
        learn that the ramdisk that cramfs is on must use 4KB blocks!)
- modified David Blythe's originalendian-swap patch to mkcramfs to work
  over the top of Midori's cramfs patch.  Basically, this provided a
  option to mkcramfs to reverse the endian-ness of the filesystem
  (my host is an i686 box and my target is a custom MPC860T board).

Basically, when i did all of the above, I was able to boot off
of a cramfs initrd, and continue to use it as my root filesystem.

I put all of the patches that I used to accomplish this out at:
(listed in the order in which they should be applied)

for whoever may be interested.  Hope it helps someone else get off
the ground faster!


Steve Hein (ssh at              Engineering Diagnostics/Software
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
1168 Industrial Blvd.                 Phone: (715) 726-8410
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729              Fax:   (715) 726-6715

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