Trying to find out the current state of Linux on a MPC 8260

Dan Malek dan at
Sat Nov 6 06:45:36 EST 1999

diekema_jon wrote:

> What CVS archives do you update?

I have access to the vger CVS tree, and only update the minimal
embedded 8xx and 82xx files.  I rely heavily (and thankfully :-)
on others to ensure these changes are propagated into Linus'
and other trees.

> What are the collection names that contains the updates?  Is it just "linux"?

Yes, for the kernel.

I think it is time to remind everyone finding, compiling and booting
a kernel is actually the easy part of the development effort.  The
real challenges are the applications.....creating the development
environment with compiler, libraries, debuggers and other tools
is time consuming.  I try to make the embedded things I do work
as closely to a desktop or server as possible, but there are
sometimes differences.

	-- Dan

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