Base Warp Platform support

Josh Boyer jwboyer at
Thu Jan 10 06:10:55 EST 2008

On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:30:39 -0500
Sean MacLennan <smaclennan at> wrote:

> So no comments? I got it perfect the first time :D

Not quite.. :)

The way you have the patches laid out right now will break compiling
and git bisecting.

Could you take these and roll them up into distinct patches that can
all apply without breaking a compile individually?  I recommend doing
it this way:

Patch 1) platform files in arch/powerpc/platforms/44x/
Patch 2) DTS
Patch 3) boot files in arch/powerpc/boot
Patch 4) defconfig

or something along those lines.

That way we can apply them in that order, nothing breaks for the
compile, and they aren't scattered about.  If you start a new email
thread with those I think most of it looked fairly good otherwise.

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