Russell Hires inet2 at
Fri Jan 29 01:01:11 EST 1999

For some reason AWACS is causing Linux to crash. Here's the error
message I get: AWACS: error, status 4f40da9. I have a G3/266, which I
bought in late November 1998. 64 MB RAM, 6MB VRAM, DVD-ROM, 4 G SCSI HD
that runs Linux on 1.5 G partition (which is, of course, divided up into
/usr and so on...)  using the 2.2pre9 kernel (final).

About my crashes: it seems to happen when I use BootX the Application,
and not
BootX the Extension. Also, it happens when I try to backspace too much
at the prompt, or lately when I try to come out of X (using AfterStep)
back into the shell...I tried the user support list, and they suggested
that I ask the developers if they knew anything. So,
Do you know of what could be causing this, or how I should try to fix

Russell Hires

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